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Meaghan's Presentation To Leslie College

After introductions, each typer asked a question of the audience. Meg's was: What do you think about the tools and books you have read about autism? I think the best authorities on autism are autistics. You should educate yourself through us. How did you learn to type independently? I had to learn to use my eyes and control my impulsivity. That was almost impossible to do but my mom worked hard with me and together we worked it out. I am crying because I am sitting up here and I would like to be sitting out there. I would love to go to college. A representative from DDS was sitting in the audience and Meg picked up on this. Please let autistic people communicate through typing because you cant know how terribly frustrating it is to live your life without a voice. Really important to just let all people in dmr know that we are much more intelligent and capable than they think. Using a keyboard is essential to letting us express who we really are. How could public spaces be better designed to accommodate people with autism? They could really take the time to understand autism and perhaps have ipads or keyboards situated around the space. What is the most important thing for people to understand about autism? They should understand first and foremost that autism is a motor disorder not a speech disorder. If you had the choice of being born again with or without autism, which would you choose? I would choose autism. Because I am unique and one of a kind. Everyone is too concerned about doing the same thing. So boring. It isn't a bad thing to be unconventional. It is only a problem when that unconventionality is misunderstood. A question was asked about behavior modification, can't remember it specifically. I yell because I cant express my feelings in words unless I type. If I could type all the time I would be perfect.

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