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Meaghan's Introductory Words at Boston University Presentation

Having autism is like I get depressed really easily especially when someone wants me to do something I don't want to do. Words would help but enough people really don't understand little things about autism like sometimes we inadvertently use our eyes to tune out things. Or we yell and tantrum out of frustration at lack of understanding.

Fc has helped me get my words out so I can communicate to a few people but not to the people who I spend the most time with. You really don't erupt in words when right services aren't offered to us because people are afraid of what we might have to say. That is not right. But to make it right all the autistic people would have to become non autistic until they could speak up for themselves.

Our typing is our speech. So if you can't take away our autism, is it right to take away our only means of speech?

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