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Meaghan's BU Presentation Remarks

We want to talk but the words are stuck inside our heads. They are all in a pile. It is difficult to separate them out and make sense of them. Autism is a sensory upheaval of the brain.

You have to understand that the people who take away our right to type are people who don't have any real understanding of our terrible sensory motor challenges. I think that you should never take a stance on anything you don't fully understand. No I never like to be alone. I want to have friends. You have to know that my intelligence has opened the door to my communication. I am jealous of you all being college students. I wish I had people like you all in my daily life. Thank you for wanting to hear what we have to say.

After BU Presentation Did you enjoy talking to the class about autism, Meg?

Yes good to see lisa and jasmine. Good to see that students are interested in autism. I liked opening up the class with our remarks. I liked having a chance to interact with the students of bu. I liked other students hats. Did you notice anything different about the girl in the center of the front row? Yes. She was blind. I thought she was very bright. I am jealous of all the students because they get to go to college. I am tired of always being relegated to second class.

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