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Words and Language

Words have always had a special appeal to me. Early in my life I taught myself to read words and to understand them. How did you acquire the ability to read and write words? I have an amazing memory for details. I remember all of my toys and all of my educational games in minute detail. You would be surprised at how much information I absorb just existing. Tiny itty bitty details. Every time mom read to us I envisioned the words. So when you hear words do they appear in your brain as spelled out language or do you have to see them to learn to spell them? When I hear words they appear in my brain as spelled out language. My brain is full of piles and piles of words piled up on each other. Written words. Is that why it is easier for you to type than speak because your language is stored in written format? Yes. I can recall written words but my auditory memory is limited to rehearsed phrases. The word piles are different. I think in your language but I verbalize in rote responses.

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