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Lurie Center Leadership Counsel Meeting

Meg's thoughts pre-meeting:

I am excited about the meeting. Because I can tell them how I feel about typing. I want to tell them that I really want to type in my day program but they won't let me because they are too scared to take a chance on it working.

Meaghan's responses to the members of the leadership counsel after the viewing of The Lurie Center presentation video in which she was featured. Meaghan, I understand you like to take walks. How far do you usually walk? One mile. Meaghan, I'm interested in how you learned to spell. Could you tell me? My brain just works that way. I hear words and I automatically convert them into letters. How do you read? I read by seeing all the words on the page at once. Does it make you uncomfortable that we are talking about autism and the problems with supported typing being recognized as legitimate? No. I am happy that someone is talking about my situation.

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