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"I May Not Be Autistic For Very Much Longer"

Meaghan's description of how she feels after 3rd Quantum Laser Treatment Protocol The treatment is making it easier for me to type and each time I get a treatment I can feel myself getting better. I feel really good. But you still do a lot of repetitive asking? Because I like the sensation. It is lessening. I am your funny wiring daughter and to be really well I need to express myself in my own way.

Meaghan's description of how she feels after 4th Quantum Laser Treatment Protocol I have even better eyesight and everything is not freaking me out. Yes my goofy geeky personality really is retreating. Meaghan's description of how she feels after 5th Quantum Laser Treatment Protocol Really seriously afraid that I may not be autistic for very much longer. Easily ready to advance to the great adventure of those every day things that regular people who don't have autism enjoy.. Meaghan's description of how she feels after 6th Quantum Laser Treatment Protocol. I also had her wear glasses with blue lenses today because I'd read they stimulate her left brain.

I feel really good. The blue lenses help to make the letters stand out. Bear with me everything is askew today. Because I'm so tired. Why, Meg. Didn't you sleep well? I was really worried about you not coming to pick me up. I assured her that I would always get her on Saturday mornings. I then asked her if there was anything I could change on the iPad keyboard that would make typing easier for her. Yes take away the green keyboard. I really just like black and white. Is there any way we could add a red space bar? what I really want to do is get ipad to eliminate pretty much everything that is not a real serviceable necessity. The colored vowels. I changed everything for her and she seemed pleased. I then told her about a book I was reading called Out of My Mind, about a girl like her who was also very smart and who thought in words from an early age but could not speak them. Words have always had a special appeal to me. Early in my life I taught myself to read words and to understand them.

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