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"I Can See Much Better"

Meaghan's reaction after her third Quantum Laser Reflex Treatment: How are you feeling? Good. I can see much better. Didn't think I could type right yet you never gave up on me. Everyone really operates on a different level. To take one typer and treat them special is kind of like operating on one person to cure every disease.

If you are talking about going into the Lurie Center, I think the only reason Dr. McDougle singled you out was because he thought your independence would have the most impact on the leadership council. It might convince them to continue on with the study. Don't treat me like I am stupid. I didn't think I was. But if you don't want people to treat you like you're stupid, then you shouldn't act that way. Why do you do that, Meg? Because to act smart I would have to make myself crazy. Because I have my own idiosyncrasies. Everyone is different. Even when silly, my ignorance satisfies me. Idiosyncrasies are fine. I have no problem with differences, but I draw the line at behaviors that are self injurious, like pulling your hair or biting yourself. Why do you do these things? You are making such great progress with your typing, why are your behaviors not improving? I turned everything from your treatments upside down. I am trying to be obedient. I am going to try to do better. My behaviors allow me to escape from myself. Are you looking forward to going to the Lurie Center on Wednesday? Yes. Describe what Dr. Mcdougle is going to do? I describe this. Is there anything in particular you would like to talk about? Right to communicate. The right to riot to yourself. Anything else? Yes. Change the keyboard. I see so well even small details are clear to me. I type so easily, I really only need the letters .

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