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"I feel Decidedly Calmer"

This weekend I began doing Quantum Reflex Integration Therapy (QRI) with Meg. It's a home therapy program using low level lasers and targeting 18 primitive reflexes. Reflexes give us the ability to choose our reactions and react, and if they aren't fully integrated at birth or shortly thereafter, our neurological development is impacted. The more reflexes that are retained, or incompletely integrated, the greater the neurological, physical and intellectual consequences. Fortunately, experts like Bonnie Brandes and Svetlana Masgutova have developed a series of exercises that can remedy some of this damage. Recently, Brandes introduced the use of a specific LLLT protocol, which not only speeds up the therapy but makes it more effective and long lasting as the laser diodes are able to penetrate deeper into the muscles and nerves to repair and effect change at a cellular level.

After our introductory session (which lasted well over 2 hours), we had lunch and then sat down to type. I asked Meaghan if she felt any different.

I feel decidedly calmer. My gaze is very sharp. You were wonderful to allow me to experience your treatment.

I then told her that I was thrilled she liked it because I had purchased the units and she could have a treatment every weekend if she wanted. She responded,

Yes! I am awesome and you are even more awesome! And you eat yogurt for lunch every Saturday.

Interestingly, not only was she typing more confidently, but she was using multiple sentences in response to my prompts. Turned out she had a lot more to say as well... When I mentioned that I might be talking to the head of the Lurie Center for Autism the next day and asked her if she had anything to say to him, she could barely contain herself.

I think you should have each person with autism write a letter to the attorney general telling him really how it feels to be autistic. And tell him to try having autism himself. We each have our handicaps. So to say you remember eye to eye treatment for an intervention is not really a fair comparison. Our operating system is so much more complex than you understand. We really write everything in our heads before we try to talk. Then everything gets jumbled up. Then you see us in your mind as stupid but in fact we are every bit as intelligent as you, we just don't talk as much. Lucky for you that we don't talk or you would really turn red in the face over what we had to say.

There was a clear change in Meaghan after the Laser treatment. She was calmer, more focused and more confident. For the first time, she was willing to speak her mind without any question prompting and I could tell she reveled in this newfound ability.

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