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"I Control My Brain"

Based on Meg's responses so far, I did some research and wrote the following PDF for Meg and I to use as a guideline in our future work together.

She is excited to begin this journey. After going over the material, I asked her some questions about it and here are her responses.

What does your brain need to grow and change?

Precise, differentiated information.

What is wrong with the information your brain has been getting?

It is very grooved into my brain. In chunks.

What type of information do you need to be feeding your brain?

Bits and pieces.

Why is this?

Because then I can turn them into words.

Why is it that you cannot feel the various parts of your body?

Because I can't differentiate the different parts of my body.

How are you going to fix this problem?

Feeling my body parts.

Does your brain control you, or do you control your brain?

I control my brain.

Does your brain control your body and your mind?


So, if you are in control of your brain, and your brain controls your body and mind, then if your body isn't listening to your mind, that means that you are not feeding your brain enough food from your body.

The brain you have now is not sufficient to serve your intelligence. You need to re- calibrate it into a version that will make it easier, rather than harder, for you to do the things you want to do.

What are dome of the ways you can do this, Meg?

Slow down. Pay attention. Notice details and variation.

YES! What is the opposite of Autism?


Why do you repeat, Meg?

Because my old brain is making me operate on autopilot.

Why do you make mistakes sometimes when you go to hit keys on the keyboard?

I type too fast.

What can you do to stop making mistakes and become a confident, independent typer?

Slow down.

When your old brain is trying to make you repeat, how can you defeat the impulse?

Notice sensory details around me.

Why is is so important to stop behaving on autopilot and start being more self aware?

Because I want to live a rich full life.

For More on Meaghan and Autism, Visit

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