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I Can't Feel My Finger

Today we are delving into why Meg continues to hesitate before striking some keys on the keyboard and why she has trouble straightening her pointing finger, which is causing her to make typing mistakes which she then has to take time to correct.

I have her grasp a pen with her 3 outermost fingers so they are folded down against her palm, making the isolation of her index finger more pronounced.

She has been using pinhole glasses but I had her try on magnifying glasses and she said that she preferred them, so now I have her using simple readers that enlarge the letters on the keyboard for her a bit.

How do the glasses help you type, Meg?

The glasses make the letters clearer.

Do you still prefer the keyboard with the pictures on them better than the ones with just letters?

Yes, because I can distinguish pictures better than letters.

OK, So we have solved the visual problem with the keyboard. Do you know where all the letters are in the keyboard?


So, the problem is not that you can't see them or that you don't know exactly where they are.


So, why do you think you are still hesitating a bit when you go to strike some keys?

Because I can't feel my finger.

WOW. So the problem is much more basic. Let's see what we can do about that. Would you mind if I wrapped some duck tape around your finger?


OK, Let's try that. and see how it goes. I wrap some take around her pointer finger. How does that feel?


Can you feel your finger better?

Yes. A bit.

So, let me ask you. You've been acting oddly this weekend and last weekend. Terrified of walking around in places you are very familiar with. Can you tell us why?

Because I see double and the ground appears uneven.

When did this start?

Several weeks ago.

Do you know what set it off?

Yes. (Meg recounts the reason, but we're going to keep the details private).

Do you think it is getting better or worse?

Better. I can't control my body. It has a mind of its own.

I know Meg. You are wonderful for all that you do. And I have to tell you, you are typing great. I think the masking tape is working!

Final thoughts: I know independent typing is hard for you, but you have mastered it because it is also important to you. Why?

I want to feel my life has meaning. I want to really make a difference in the world.

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