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Discussion About Vision

Meaghan, please complete these phrases...

This is how my mind registers what I see...

It uses information from my eyes to tell my brain the world is crazy.

This is what I see when I look around a room...

I see too much for me to take it all in, I usually focus on small details.

This is what I see when I look at a person. For instance, when you look at Uncle Paul, what do you see?

I see his drink.

What if he is not holding a drink?

I see his skin and hair.

You don't see his features?

No. Because people's features are slippery and they don't get the right trigger to turn on my brain.

This is why it is difficult for me to look in a mirror...

Because I can't be sure I am inside my body. I look pretty okay, but I feel very yucky.

This is how I see words written on a page (or how I read)...

All at once. I take in everything at a glance.

And you remember it all?


Meg, we are going to Uncle Paul's house for Easter today. Do you have anything you want to say?

Uncle Paul I feel so special to have you in my family. I am happy to be spending Easter at your house. Really you are so terrific. I love you.

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