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How Does Autism Feel

Note: Meg has typed on various keyboards. At present, she is using an iPad keyboard by Abilipad. She is using her right hand to type. Her left hand is resting on her left leg. I am touching her left hand with a finger until she acclimates to this new keyboard.

Does my touching your left hand help you to type with your right?

Yes. It helps me to focus. It makes me feel more grounded.

When did you first realize that you processed the world differently?

At first I thought I was crazy. Then I realized that I was just different. Ten.

Meg's Comments on Quotes about how autism feels:

Sometimes it's awesome, other times it's not. The issue is finding your place in a world that doesn't feel quite right. It can be really rough.

I think that it is hard work. It feels like I am having a meltdown all the time.

The best way I can find to describe it is running on a different operating system than most other people. Your brain wants to hyper focus on a certain subject and never let go. It's a jumbled mess. Everything is fragmented and you only see details, not the big picture.

I am always on hyper drive. I am frustrated and mad at my body for not listening to my brain.

Why do you cry out loud?

Because I keep all my frustration inside. I am frustrated because I don't have any means to communicate.

Why do you hit yourself?

Because I am going out of my mind really. Hard to appreciate how much frustration I feel going through the motions of living everyday.

Any final thoughts.

I hope that I can type at the day program soon. Very anxious to communicate with the staff.

For More on Meaghan and Autism, Visit

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