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iPad Keyboard Practice



1. Meg's preference is to communicate freely - to answer your questions by typing her answers independently. BUT... she is unable to do this at some places as yet because her body is blocking her mind.


So... our challenge is to overcome her ANS fear and anxiety. To do this we need to make things as easy and relaxing as possible at the start. You can think of her fear of typing as akin to that of an agoraphobics fear of leaving their house. We know they are physically able to go outside, but something is blocking them from being able to do so. It might not make sense to us, but to them it is very real and very traumatizing. So they literally freeze, or their ANS shuts down the neural connections to their brain and allow the motor impulsivity of their bodies to take over.


2. The activities I have provided here are easy for her. Think of them as games. You are not teaching her, because she can already do everything (and has been able to do it all for well over a year).


So... just sit across the table from her, relax and only give her verbal prompts when needed. Initially, she will need more and then fade as she becomes increasingly comfortable with you.


3. Meaghan is a very quick learner. This is a fact. I always know that if she is not progressing swiftly, the problem is me not her. It is with how I am presenting the material that I am teaching her. OR, that she is bored with what I am teaching.


4. Meaghan always wants to always keep progressing. As soon as she masters something, drop it and move on to the next step. This is VERY IMPORTANT!. You need to keep building on the last thing she learned or she will become bored and either tune out or her ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) will shut down her brain/body connection.

SO LET'S GET STARTED. BEGIN WITH THE WARM UP and then progress through the levels as time permits.

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